Interview with Lon Strickler about "Alien Disclosure"

Season 1, Episode 8,   Oct 09, 2019, 09:39 PM

An interview with Lon Strickler from Phantoms and Monsters about his latest release, "Alien Disclosure: Experiencers Expose Reality."

In her first interview on the podcast, Court talks with Lon Strickler from Phantoms and Monsters about his latest release, Alien Disclosure: Experiencers Expose Reality

Some of what they discuss includes:

  • Aliens (obvi)
  • Alien abductions
  • The Chicago Mothman
  • Men in Black
  • Black-eyed children and other possible extraterrestrial encounters

Lon's detailed a lot of firsthand encounters in his book thanks to "experiencers" sharing their stories. It's a fascinating chat with a man who has his "pulse on the paranormal" in a way few other do. 

Note: The link to Lon's book is an affiliate link. The Skeleton Crew thanks you whenever you buy anything through our affiliates.