518: The Tartan Scarf and Four Small Bottles of Chloroform | The Black Museum | Old Time Radio 📻

Episode 524,   Jan 29, 2020, 12:00 AM

The Tartan Scarf and Four Small Bottles of Chloroform | The Black Museum | Old Time Radio 📻
✍What's on today✍
[iTunes Review: http://bit.ly/StoriesFablesReview]
Welcome listeners and mates do I have two Old Time Radio episodes remastered, and enhanced for your lovely ears. Crime doesn’t pay, we all know that…well sometimes the life of crime is just too hard to shake, and in our first story regarding the Tartan Scarf…well…let’s just say crime has a way of wrapping itself around the neck of the unsuspecting.
And a not all Old Time Radio episodes have a happy….or sad ending. In fact, sometimes the harsh reality really hits home for the legal system, in Four Small Bottles, where even justice can be alluded. So my lovelies, I’m back from my mini Monday break, having ate aloooot, and watched so many films. We ended up watching the old sitcom “The Nanny” of all things, it was great.
Also, thanks to all of you who wished me well via email for this break, I really appreciate that.
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#1: Mathew J Bower 💜💜
#2: Mayah 🐲🐲
WHITE TEA WARLORDS 👑👑👑| Donate $30+ per month
🐮 #1: I Own Cows 🐮
💪 #2: Lee Bower 💪
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My Earl Grey Supporters:
Chad Warren
Lorraine Cresanto
Page Marchini
Peter Raffaelli
Michael Angelo Yacone
Robert Fisher
Tasha Moncrief
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✉Email: StoriesFablesGhostlyTales@gmail.com
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Copyright Information:
All Radio episodes remastered are in the Public Domain unless notified otherwise.
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