Brand Storytelling - Insights from an Award Winning Journalist

Mar 18, 2020, 10:00 PM

Isn’t it frustrating when you pour your heart and soul into content for your customers and all you hear is crickets??

There is so much noise on social media. How are we supposed to grab the attention of our customers? Yell louder and longer than everyone else? Spend thousands of dollars on ads? 

To help me answer these questions and more, I invited three time Emmy Award winning journalist, Kellie DeMarco to join me on the show. After 20+ years as a journalist/news anchor, and at the top of her game, she decided to take the leap and start her own business. She is now taking her wealth of knowledge and expertise and is helping small businesses share their stories in a way that moves people to action.

I asked her to share her secrets with us on how to craft a story that captures hearts and makes hands reach for wallets. I am fired up to share this with you because she drops some real value in this episode!

She shares how local news still has a purpose for small businesses and how to get your story covered, tips and tricks on how to get over nervousness and show up like a champ on video, and uses HaneyBiz as an example of how to tell a compelling story. 

Some of the most iconic brands in history have become that way because of their storytelling; brand storytelling coca cola, brand storytelling nike. These brands have a brand storytelling strategy that allows their customers to feel a part of something more than just their products. 

Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of communication and has successfully captured audiences for thousands of years. So, instead of adding to the noise let’s learn to tell a story that can capture the hearts of our audience. 

What you will learn on this episode:

Kellie shares the emotions she is feeling from giving up her security, quitting her full time job, and jumping into her entrepreneurial venture (3:15)

Kellie shares the key steps that you need to take in order to have the best chance of the media covering your story. (7:01)

Kellie talks about the companies that still benefit from local media coverage and how to craft a story that gives you the best chance of getting covered.  (08:22)

Kellie talks about the power of a personal brand and how it can help grow your business. (15:14)

Kellie uses Mark and HaneyBiz as a guinea pig for brand storytelling examples on how to craft the most compelling brand storytelling to their audience (17:47)

How to create compelling brand storytelling video and brand storytelling youtube when you’re on a budget. (22:12)

Kellie puts her coaching hat and and shares how to best show up on video. (24:25)

Serving your customers and providing value, value, and more value on social media will generate more sales than asking for the sale. (31:21) 

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