Reopening Your Aesthetic Practice After COVID19: Advice on Protecting Ourselves and Our Patients with Dr. Steven Weiner

Episode 234,   May 19, 2020, 11:02 PM

Hello, Beauty Byters!
On this week's episode of Beauty Bytes with Dr. Kay: Secrets of a Plastic Surgeon, I'm joined via Instagram Live by aesthetic expert and one of my favorite colleagues, Dr. Steven Weiner! It’s always a pleasure catching up with Dr. Weiner, and I am so excited for you guys to meet him! Having reopened his clinic last week, Dr. Weiner sits down to discuss what he is doing to stay safe in his practice, and shares his advice for administering safe injections and protecting yourself and your patient in the office post-Corona Virus. We chat about the accuracy of available COVID antibody tests, the possibility of postponing lip injections, and all the ways we can minimize in-person patient interactions. As a patient, this is not the time to choose the cheapest injector you can find. Right now, with everything going on around us, it is so important to find a qualified and knowledgeable injector who values your health and safety and has the ability to provide you with the necessary precautions. It’s important that we stay patient and start things slow when we reopen, as this is new to everyone and we are learning more each day. Keep listening to find out Dr. Weiner’s secret weapon for performing safe injections post-Corona, as well as where you can find one for yourself. Have a topic you want to be covered on the podcast? Send me a DM or email
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