Train Ugly | Trevor Ragan

Episode 60,   Jun 29, 2020, 03:15 AM

Trevor Ragan is the founder of Train Ugly and the Learner Lab, platforms dedicated to understanding and sharing the science of becoming a better learner. You can find Trevor on the Learner Lab Podcast here:

Table of Contents

0:00 - Introduction

4:00 - Top 3 characteristics of sports coaches

5:30 - Founding Train Ugly

13:30 - Importance of making mistakes

17:30 - Pushing your comfort zone

28:00 - Giving feedback

32:00 - Developing critical skills

41:00 - The dangers of specializing too early

46:00 - Book recommendations

49:00 - Conclusion

The interview featured on this episode of the Love What You Play podcast originally debuted on the For the Love of the Game free spring Virtual Summit 2020. To learn more about our upcoming summits and events with featured speakers, head to