012 | Allowing Inspiration | Evolution Of Self

Episode 12,   Jul 11, 2020, 12:58 PM

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Inspiration is not something you can make happen but you can allow inspiration in. In this weeks video I share how you can make space for inspiration so that you can tap into it when ever you need to.

Inspiration is not something you can make happen but you can allow inspiration in. In this weeks video I share how you can make space for inspiration so that you can tap into it when ever you need to.

Video Links

Free course - https://peregrine-dawn.teachable.com/purchase?product_id=1815568

BrittTanya website - https://www.britttanya.com

Abraham Hicks - https://youtu.be/cqVrAHx0-Kk

Silva Method - https://www.silvamethod.com

The Artist's Way - https://amzn.to/2NJBbI3

Insight Timer - https://insighttimer.com


"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscious self aware way of living .  Britt is a Consciousness Coach, advanced Ho'oponopono practitioner, podcaster, blogger, entrepreneur and has considerable experience as a board director.

#SelfAwareness #ConsciousSelf #SelfBelief #Integrity #EvolutionOfSelf #BrittTanya #Consciousness #BecomingConscious #SelfBelief #Integrity 



Music - "Celebrate Life“
by Sascha A.Giebel, Basspartout Music

Picture - Image by Pexels/ 9150 Images from Pixaby


Check out my podcast channel here -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/evolution-of-self/id1509289914

Britt is a 2 x podcaster - Evolution of Self - and Inspiring Global Transformation - https://inspiringglobaltransformation.buzzsprout.com/

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