Spotlight on Clients, The Murphy's

Episode 87,   Feb 27, 2021, 10:00 PM

This week on Dorothy and the Dealer we chat to radio duo Anna and Dean Murphy, who jumped in the deep end with MJB a few years back and have never looked back, using what they learnt in our seminars to find their “why” and actively seek out their highest values.

“You never get to the end. You are always working on yourself.”

If you know personal development, then you get this.

These wise words come from this week’s Dorothy and the Dealer special guests Dean and Anna Murphy, whose dulcet tones our Melbourne tribe might recognise from their morning commute to work. 

The radio duo jumped in the deep end with MJB a few years back and have never looked back, using what they learnt in our seminars to find their “why” and actively seek out their highest values.

From designing a podcast that will delve into how celebrities overcome their struggles, to doing stand-up comedy and hustling away at their radio gig, the work truly NEVER stops. 

But it’s their ability to speak openly and honestly about what REAL development takes that inspires us. 

“The more you suppress stuff, the more it starts expressing because it needs to come out. The ones with the strongest voices against something are the pines that have the most to hide. They hide what is going on in private... Don’t waste time not living your authentic life.”

So, whether you need a smile brought to your face, or a swift kick into gear, the Murphy’s story is for you!