6th March 2021 - Tech News & Reviews & A Cat on BBC Berkshire

Mar 07, 2021, 01:37 AM

Fevzi Turkalp, the Gadget Detective, joins Kirsten O'Brien on BBC Berkshire to discuss the latest tech news and reviews. This week; Amazon opens the first of its till-less stores outside of America, Amazon Fresh, where customers can buy without all the hassle of human interaction, but is this the future of shopping? 

Gadget of the Week is Joy For All Companion Pet Cat, an animatronic cat designed for the elderly and those with dementia, autism or other issues, it purrs, meows, blinks, moves and interacts with the person, reacting to petting and hugging, bringing comfort and reducing stress. There's also a dog version. Priced around £95 it could be ideal for those with a relative who could benefit from the companionship. Scoring 4 out of 5, listen in for more details.

You can hear Fevzi on BBC Berkshire every Saturday around midday and can follow and contact him on Twitter @gadgetdetective
