📢 EURAFRICA — a conversation with Stefan Jonsson and Peo Hansen

Episode 2,   Apr 06, 2021, 05:38 PM

With Peo Hansen and Stefan Jonsson, authors of ‘Eurafrica, the Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism’ we explore how the European Economic Community (EEC) was founded through the exploitation of African resources which benefited European countries (including the UK).

In this episode we consider how the very foundation of the EU was grounded on an extractivist model. In their book Eurafrica, the Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism, Prof. Peo Hansen and Prof. Stefan Jonsson, debunk the theory of what they refer to as the "Immaculate Conception of the European Union formation", one where a group of benevolent Western European leaders chose to set aside nationalist rivalries to unite for peace, democracy and freedom, to one where the cooperation of European states to no little extent was predicated upon the exploitation of African resources, which could be better accomplished through a coordinated effort. 

This institutionalised the colonies' role as purveyors of raw materials. Hansen and Jonsson have summarised it as follows: “Eurafrica is able to make sense both of the political and discursive discontinuity and the infrastructural or economic continuity between the late colonial period and an emerging Neo-colonial globalisation.” This is supported by archival research, foremost into the inter-governmental negotiations that led up to the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, and numerous other sources. As one analyst put it in 1957: “It is in Africa that Europe will be made”.

More here.
Download the transcript here.

FRAUD (Audrey Samson & Francisco Gallardo)
Original music by Frédéric Laurier
Sound editing by Kitty Turner
Images by Francisca Roseiro 

Partnerships was produced as part of the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial — Empathy Revisited: Designs for more than one, organised by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, and curated by: Mariana Pestana, Sumitra Upham and Billie Muraben.

The EURO—VISION public programme has been commissioned by Arts Catalyst & RADAR.

This public programme has been generously supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, Arts Council England and Acción Cultural Española.