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📡 EURO—VISION 🛰 the podcast. 
A series of weekly podcasts that compile conversations with activists, scholars, fisherpeople and artists, hosted by FRAUD, around the politics of extraction, migration and international agreements that are affecting communities and ecologies on a global scale and that perpetuate European colonial legacies. 

Speakers include: 
📢  Prof. Adekeye Adebajo, Director of the Institute for Pan-African Thought and Conversation at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
📢  Dr Epifania Akosua Amoo-Adare, Artist, Architect and Independent Scholar based in Accra, Ghana.
📢  Dr Nishat Awan, Artist and Architect, Principal Investigator of Topological Atlas, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
📢  Prof. Liam Campling, International Business and Development, School of Business and Management of Queen Mary, University of London, England.
📢  Dr Jennifer Telesca, Assistant Professor of Environmental Justice in the Department of Social Science and Cultural Studies at the Pratt Institute. 
📢  Prof. Peo Hansen, Political Science, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Linköping University, Sweden.
📢  Prof. Stefan Jonsson, Ethnic Studies, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Linköping University, Sweden.
📢  Dr Ndongo Samba Sylla, development economist at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Dakar, Sénégal.

FRAUD is an artist duo (Audrey Samson & Francisco Gallardo)
Original music by Frédéric Laurier
Sound editing by Kitty Turner
Images by Francisca Roseiro

EURO—VISION is an art-led enquiry that explores the extractivist gaze of European institutions and its policies. The relationship between international relations, trade, economic policy and military operations come into focus through the lens of 🇪🇺  🪨 Critical Raw Materials 🇪🇺 ⚒️ In 2008, the European Commission adopted the Critical Raw Materials Initiative, which defined a strategy for accessing resources viewed as imperative to the EU’s subsistence 📘 📄 Resources criticality is measured according to supply risk and economic importance 📊 📈  Policies are thus drawn up to ensure the continued availability of materials deemed critical. Such policies have led to agreements guiding the biological and geological exhaustion of the Global South 🌎🌍🌏 The current list, revised in 2020, includes 30 materials, including Cobalt ⚙️  Rubber 🌳 Phosphate 🪨 and the newly added Lithium 🔋 and Titanium 🦾 EURO—VISION focuses on the inscriptive operations of such initiatives, such as the establishment of Free Trade Zones 📦 FTZs 📦, fisheries partnerships agreements 📄 FPAs📄, and de-risking investment tools like public-private partnerships 🔖 PPPs 🔖

Partnerships was produced as part of the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial—Empathy Revisited: Designs for more than one, organised by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, & curated by: Mariana Pestana, Sumitra Upham and Billie Muraben.

This public programme has been supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, Arts Council England and Acción Cultural Española.

This project originated as a collaboration between King's College London's Department of Digital Humanities and artist duo FRAUD, brokered and supported by the Cultural Institute at King’s in partnership with Somerset House Studios.

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