Beautiful Life with Judy Torres: Season 2 Edition 7 - Handling Abandonment

Season 2, Episode 7,   Apr 26, 2021, 01:31 AM

How does one find peace after the struggle of abandonment? Better yet, what if the person returns to your life, and doesn't take responsibility or seek forgiveness after abandoning you? Well, that is exactly the case in this weeks edition. Find out how Judy approaches this concern of Michele from Sunny Side Queens. PLUS - Poochie and Wilhelmina always offer a little something extra to spice up the show.

How does one find peace after the struggle of abandonment? Better yet, what if the person returns to your life, and doesn't take responsibility or seek forgiveness after abandoning you? Well, that is exactly the case in this weeks edition. Find out how Judy approaches this concern of Michele from Sunny Side Queens. PLUS - Poochie and Wilhelmina always offer a little something extra to spice up the show.