346: The Truth About Beauty Sleep And How Your Sleeping Positions Can Affect Your Skin

Jul 09, 2021, 11:25 PM

Happy Friday Beauty Byters!

In this week’s Five Minute Friday, I am talking about the importance of restful, restorative sleep. Skin and collagen rebuild during the night, so it is crucial to apply your nighttime products in the correct order and seclude them in a dense moisturizer. Turning off electronics an hour or two before sleeping, closing drapes, and using a satin pillow case are all ways to ensure a great night's rest. Want to find out how to prevent damage to the skin while you sleep, then tune in to today's podcast! If you have a question or something you’d like covered on the podcast, send me a DM or email info@beautybydrkay.com and I’d be happy to respond!

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