TSOT021: Mysterious new "stress disorder" that magically has same life-threatening effects as the medical solution everyone was browbeaten to undergo

Dec 17, 2021, 11:17 PM

Scientific research says "problem causes bad effects A, B, & C."

Later, scientific research says "solution causes bad effects A, B, & C."

Literally the solution is admitted to cause the same bad effects of the problem.

Yet, now, we are told: "Mysterious 'disorder' follows close in time with 'solution' and causes bad effects A, B, & C."

A, B, & C is admittedly caused by the "problem," AND the "solution."
But... as I've observed before... due to yet another case of marketing and public relations (and advertising money) crushing science... somehow when A, B, & C is found... "it must be mysterious and NEW syndrome!"

Bull. Garbage. Hogwash. Deception. Untruth. Corruption. Non-science. Further proof of the need for imprisonment for those pushing the unprecedented exercise. 

So your terminology means we can get back to normal then? 
My first mentions here of a very disturbing alleged finding via spectroscopy, and what the material allegedly found might do in your body if it is there, from a world-level expert on that material. 
Usual repeat of background that easily disproves the wet market and natural origin theory.
The parallel to the 1980s phenomenon.
Some encouraging words.
And more. 

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