An Early End to the Macabre Museums Season

Season 4, Episode 7,   Mar 16, 2022, 04:37 PM

The end was near anyway, but it came a couple of episodes earlier than expected.

I had intended to include two more episodes in the Macabre Museums season. One about true crime Museums and a finale of paranormal museums.

However, instead, I’ve decided to cut the season short for a couple of reasons. I won’t go into all of the nitty-gritty details but I will say that my family and I have endured a couple of health scares lately. It’s kind of pulled the world back into focus and made me reassess my priorities.

So for now as I regroup and recalibrate, I’m putting the podcast on hold to concentrate on my family, my health, and my writing. 

You can still jaunt with me online anytime at, though.

I really do appreciate you sailing the airwaves with me, whether it was during any of this season’s episodes or any of the others.

And I do hope to catch back up with you again soon so I won’t say farewell forever but rather my usual, until our paths cross again, ciao for now.

Host & Guide

Courtney Mroch


Danse Macabre - Violin Hook by Kevin MacLeod