11th June 2022 - Tech News & Reviews on BBC Radio Berkshire

Jun 13, 2022, 12:40 AM

Fevzi Turkalp, the Gadget Detective, joins Bill Buckley on BBC Radio Berkshire to discuss the latest tech news and reviews. This week; The UK Government has decided not to follow the European Union's plan to force manufacturers to fit a standardised USB-C charging socket. How will this affect the products we buy, will the UK end up losing out as a result?

Gadget of the Week is the Eufy Video Doorbell Dual. This video doorbell features two cameras, one wide angle camera and another adjustable camera pointing downwards, allowing for a much greater view without resorting to fisheye distortion. With a 2K resolution it offers high quality images and has an intelligent sensor that can even remind you there's a package, or when somebody attempts to steal one. With local storage for the videos it takes it requires no subscription service. Scoring 4 out 5, listen in for the full review.

Second Gadget of the Week is Affinity Pro from Serif. This professional quality photo editing software package is a great alternative to the much more expensive Photoshop, and without the subscription model. Available for iPads as well as Macs and PCs, this is compatible with the Apple Pencil. Scoring 4.5 out of 5, listen in for the full review.

You can hear the Gadget Detective on BBC Berkshire just after midday every Saturday and can follow and contact him on Twitter @gadgetdetective. If you enjoy these shows please consider subscribing and leaving a review, thanks!
