What is Inspo? The journey of a soon to be $1 Billion startup

Season 1, Episode 1,   Jul 13, 2022, 11:03 PM

In this episode, Host Mark Bowness reveals what Inspo is and how this Podcast is going to (tongue in cheek) follow the journey of a soon to be $1 Billion startup.

Inspo is an app that is being built in Australia that provides fans with the ability to ask experts, celebrities and influences questions of which the answers will help them dramatically improve their lives.


An up and coming soccer player being able to ask a pro how they can improve their game.

Or, a Mum asking a New York Times Bestselling Parenting Expert how to manage the chaos at home.

Or even being able to ask a leading LGBTQI Influencer advice on coming out.

That is the vision of Inspo. This podcast follows the dream of turning that vision into a reality.

Would you like to be the very first to know each and every time a celebrity, influencer or expert has agreed to appear on Inspo?

Plus, would you like to be the very first to get your hands on the App and start asking your questions, as soon as we go live?

Head over to www.getinspo.com - register your details and we will keep you up to date.