Episode 3- When the Nurse becomes the Patient ! Chatting with the Gut Health Nurse

Season 1, Episode 3,   Feb 20, 2022, 10:49 PM

Nurses Struggle too! We are not by any means perfect, in fact our humanity makes us more relatable and one of the most trusted professions!  

So what happens when we fall victim to the medical system and cant get answers for why we are taking these medications or even what the heck is happening to me ??? Kemeisha Mckenzie shares more about her journey with GUT HEALTH and the now transformed and empowered Wellness Advocate she has become.

This episode is packed with all the questions you have had about GUT & Brain Health and why as part of the medical team we should be knowledgable about these topics. 

Follow Kemeisha Mckenzie for more tips about starting your Gut health journey!

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