Changes to Positions of Trust Legislation

Season 1, Episode 18,   Sep 06, 2022, 02:51 PM


In this podcast episode, we talk with our colleagues in the NSPCC about the new
legislation passed in England and Wales on 28th June 2022, and recently Northern
Ireland, which makes it illegal for someone in a position of trust in sports and faith
organisations to have a sexual relationship with someone aged 16-17 in their care.

The extension to the positions of trust legislation comes after the NSPCC’s β€˜Close the Loophole’ campaign. In this podcast we analyse who is included in the extension to the law and what this means for your organisation.

In this episode, we talk about: 

  • what is the new leglislation and what does it mean for sport organisations?
  • why did the law need to be extended?
  • 'Close the Loophole'
  • what changes should be implemented to safeguard children and young people in sport
  • the importance of reviewing and updating sport organisation and club safeguarding policies 
  • how to update your safeguarding policies 
πŸ›‘Please note:

This content may be sensitive to some individuals, it may bring up distressing memories, thoughts or feelings. If you need further support or know someone who might need support you can find links to organisations that can provide emotional support below.

Becky Groarke – Information Officer, CPSU
Jude Toasland – Senior Consultant, CPSU
Cate Meredith – Senior Consultant, NSPCC consultancy team
Shirley McGinley – Senior Consultant, NSPCC consultancy team
Fiona Becker – Senior Consultant, NSPCC consultancy team


You can view the transcript of this podcast here and access links to further information on this topic.

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πŸ’»Make sure you visit the CPSU website for the latest information and guidance about safeguarding in sport