Episode 13,   Oct 13, 2022, 01:34 PM

02:24 What is a job description?
02:53 Why do companies need job descriptions?
03:00 Defining what you’re looking for in a hire
04:44 HR Dive study: hiring managers vs. candidates
05:42 A leader’s number one job
06:25 Attracting candidates
06:38 Indeed study: the influence of a job description
07:48 Ensuring expectations are met
08:40 Understanding the internal value of a role
09:50 Communication=clarity
10:40 Job descriptions for future training and development
11:10 The danger of excluding candidates
12:38 How can companies put together a good job description?
12:43 Start with a good job title
13:55 Avoid company lingo in favor of industry lingo
15:09 Use an impactful opening statement
17:20 List key responsibilities and skills
17:49 Do candidates take soft skills requirements seriously?
19:08 Catch eyes with perks and benefits
19:27 What is the most marketable benefit?
21:04 How to send a message of trust
21:51 Ben’s top perk
23:46 Create a job description

What is an overlooked yet crucial part of the hiring process?

72% of hiring managers say they provide clear job descriptions, but only 36% of candidates agree (HR Drive)! Clarity and trust are the foundation of a company-employee relationship. Make sure you have a job description that shows off both.

Get the most out of Ben and Danny’s years of experience writing and correcting job descriptions for other companies. Learn how to put together a job description that attracts the best talent, sets expectations for your employees, and helps your company understand the value of every role. You’ll never say, “What does John even do here?” ever again!