Come Again and The Return of Petrov
Season 5, Episode 5, Oct 21, 2022, 05:05 PM
Your interview at a family-run company reveals some unexpected skillsets, or your long-lost friend returns from hibernation and needs a favour.
Snuggle up with Sticky Pickles' hosts Carole and Maria - as they attempt to wiggle out of these all new sticky dilemmas. You'll laugh. You'll gasp. You might even cry a little.
Sticky Pickles: inspired by the internet, embellished by us.
Get in touch
Twitter: @StickyPickles
Instagram: @StickyPicklesPod
Creator, Editor and Producer: Carole Theriault
Writers and Hosts: Carole Theriault and Maria Varmazis
Socials: Maria Varmazis
Snuggle up with Sticky Pickles' hosts Carole and Maria - as they attempt to wiggle out of these all new sticky dilemmas. You'll laugh. You'll gasp. You might even cry a little.
Sticky Pickles: inspired by the internet, embellished by us.
Get in touch
Twitter: @StickyPickles
Instagram: @StickyPicklesPod
Creator, Editor and Producer: Carole Theriault
Writers and Hosts: Carole Theriault and Maria Varmazis
Socials: Maria Varmazis