How to Glow Up to Better GUT HEALTH! What does it mean to Nourish during Busy Nurse Life?

Season 2, Episode 6,   Oct 23, 2022, 05:00 AM

Better GUT Health is the epicenter of it all!
Also know as our second brain, with all of the intricate connections like the vagus nerve and gut bacteria-good and bad which influence endorphins and neurotransmitters that are released through out our body to affect many functions! 

IT'S deep! 

So Nourishing your gut Microbiome with diverse foods instead of the SAD DIET (standard american diet-fried, fatty, salty, convenient) !!
This lifestyle is PIVOTAL to overall health and well being and play a major role in our mental health…
SO what you put in affects your glow!

In this podcast episode …
  1. I share more details about GUT health and how it influences our mental well being.

  1. Mindset shifts to help you make the decision to nourish and protect your glow

  1. Foods that reduce inflammation and protect your body from stress

  1. Other lifestyle habits that nourish your body and protect your gut health you can start today

Nurse life does not have to leave you in shambles, the work is tough but we are tougher! And creating Self care strategies to add to your life will protect you from burnout, give you clarity of mind and the motivation you need to succeed!

Connect with Fallon Lopez BSN, RN, CCRN, CHWC on all her social media platforms

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