The Third-Party Debate: Opposing Views and Obstacles to Electoral Success Part: 3

Season 1, Episode 19,   Nov 01, 2022, 11:59 AM

Link to YouTube video: Renee's Discussion - YouTube
This video is part of a three-part playlist examining third parties.  Topics include common arguments pro/con to vote third parties, structural/informal barriers to third party electoral success in the US system and problems third party representatives might face if elected to the federal level. 
I then have discussions with Greg Fields @groove_sdc on Twitter and Renee Johnston @RJohnston815 on Twitter and substack
Greg is prolific on Twitter as a pro-Democrat voice. He has canvassed and volunteered for campaigns in the past. Renee has worked with numerous third parties and is very knowledgeable regarding grassroots organizing. She has been a valuable resource for me regarding third party topics and research for other videos. These are not paid spokespeople or media figures but authentic voices that will provide insight without the name calling, and platitudes/slogans offered elsewhere. 
#midterms #thirdparty #democrats #greenparty