Demise Of The Daybells | PART 1 | Marriages, Deaths & Incest

Feb 05, 2023, 05:50 PM

This is the first part in a multi-part series we will be releasing about the events in the life of Lori Vallow Daybell and Chad Daybell that lead up to their incarceration and multiple murder charges.

It's a story of delusional thinking, mental illness, and pure evil.

Lori Daybell – A Look Back.

Two missing children, three strange deaths, two sizable life insurance policies, and religious convictions that some of her own family members have characterized to as "cult-like" are all part of the case involving Lori Vallow Daybell. 

The relationship between Lori and her brother Alex is a twisted one. Alex’s ex-wife talked to the Chandler, Arizona, police department, and in a recorded phone call, she described the family as having “crazy dynamics.” In the call, she described their relationship as very “sexualized,” and there was a lot of inappropriate touching between them.

We play that entire phone call for you on this episode. 

Joseph Ryan wasn’t the only target of Lori and Alex – her fourth husband would be their next target, and it would end with his death.

That's on our next episode. 

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