The Broad Room Trailer

Episode 1,   Feb 12, 2023, 05:43 PM

We’re two different women in lots of ways but so very similar in others.  At times we’ve both felt like we’ve been failing – as a professional, as a partner, in relationships and in life. 

We’ve struggled with confidence paradox (in some aspects of our life / work we’ve been confident) and in others completely doubted ourselves and our self-worth. 

We’ve both navigated corporate careers from shop floor to top floor, in male dominated industries. 

And we’ve both struggled to find role models (especially women in our careers) that we have related to as leaders, bosses, mentors who have encouraged us to be confident in our own skin and unapologetically ourselves. Who have cared enough and were savvy enough to realise we bring our whole selves to work and that affects how we show up. 

We're Jo Britton (AKA Mrs Mojo) and Carolyn Hobdey (AKA The Midlife Mistress), two Broads who have taken some real knocks, learned the hard way and invested heaps in our own inner work to get to the point where we're more than ok being our sassy selves. 

Step inside our Broad Room, an emotionally literate space for women to learn, feel inspired, unburden.  

Each episode we share our stories, experiences as well as tips, tools and techniques to help you navigate this thing called life - inside work and out of it. 

And each episode comes with a practical How to Guide that you can download. 

Welcome to The Broad Room.