How to Handle Tough Relationships in the Workplace

Season 3, Episode 11,   Apr 27, 2023, 12:00 PM

Lets get real working in health care is rough sometimes!

As the saying goes Nurses eat their young

And there can be tension in the workplace putting a strain on your overall well-being!

In todays episode I share more on How to Handle Tough relationships at work

We spend so much time there, can we find a happy place ?
Here are a few ways to handle those tough relationships at work 

Remember this -

✅We are all on the same team- patients well being is our priority not our egos 

✅Have healthy flexible boundaries- Identify limits and what is within your capacity to handle 

✅Addressing mindsets- Do you have preconceived notions or ideas about the opposing party, are you already having expectations or judgements that cloud your response 

✅Avoid Gossip- Be careful who you vent to and be mindful what you allow in your space 

Handling tough relationships at work isn’t easy 
Identify your personal responsibility-your reactions and let go of the rest 
And sometimes talking with a trusted coach or counselor can help! .
Are you a Nurse who is is tired of running on “Empty”?

Something is missing and you are not sure how to reach that next level?

Join my Soul Care session 
As we seek to create the environment for health and healing !

You can heal while helping others 
And I will show you how! 