Wind farms scam ruins lives

Jun 02, 2012, 01:37 AM

This is a massive government scam. It involves governments effectively stealing your property by making it useless and uninhabitable. At least some of it is part of the scheme to enrich trade union superannuation funds. It all relies on the questionable theory that man is the principal cause of global warming.
Or as they now say climate change. This scam involves putting wind farms across the country They’re planning 10,000 of these monstrosities. The Australian’s environment editor Graham Lloyd has written of the tremendous damage being caused by a wind farm to one small community. (“Where eagles dare not fly” The Weekend Australian 21 April 2012) This is Waterloo, north of Adelaide. He interviewed a number of victims whose lives had been ruined by the vast, swooshing wind towers looking over their homes. The people of found sleep almost impossible; they couldn't concentrate; they had night sweats, headaches, palpitations, heart trouble. Their chickens were laying eggs without yolks; their ewes were giving birth to deformed lambs; their once-active dogs spent their days staring blankly at the wall. The damage, it seems, is caused not so much by the noise you can hear but by what you can't hear: the infrasonic waves that attack the balance mechanism in the ear and against which not even home insulation can defend you. Its effects can be felt more than 10km away. Now takes a lot of courage for an environmental journalist to dare to go against the theory about global warming. You can hear an interview with Grahame Lloyd at Inspired by Lloyd's article, the British journalist James Delingpole went out to see the community himself. He says Waterloo felt like a ghost town: shuttered houses and a dust-blown aura of sinister unease, as in a horror movie when something dreadful has happened to a previously ordinary, happy settlement and at first you're not sure what. Then you look up on to the horizon and see them, turning slowly in the breeze . . . Even more shocking than this, though, were his discoveries about the finance arrangements and behaviour of the wind farm companies. He says it is one the biggest and most outrageous public affairs scandal of the 21st century. One in which the Gillard government is implicated .and that far exceeds in seriousness and scope of the Slipper or Thomson sideshows. You see, the wind turbines produce very little power. The wind doesn’t blow all the time. So a 3MW wind turbine generates at most only $150,000 worth of electricity a year. Through REC’s (Renewable Energy Certificates) it attracts guaranteed subsidies of $500,000 a year. If the unions were merely exploiting government environmental legislation to milk the taxpayer it would be bad enough. But what makes the wind farm scam so scandalous are the public health issues. James Delingpole asks why we are not more aware of these. The answer is in cover-ups on an epic scale. The wind farm industry. A government created cash cow. For some. Based on the questionable theory of manmade CO2 induced global warming. A scam paid by you in your taxes and your increased electricity bills. It’s about time the people were empowered to control their politicians.