Uncharted Coping: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Episode 3,   May 04, 2023, 02:49 AM

Licensed Therapist Joycy Ann Lacombe joins the podcast today to talk about adult tantrums and emotional dysregulation. We discuss how to know you are outside your ‘Window of Tolerance’ and what to do about it. This is a rich episode filled with practical tips on how to continue your own healing journey plus how to engage with other adults expressing tantrums. Listen to learn how to regulate your nervous system to get back to your window of choice and hear tips for when to hire a life coach vs a therapist.

In this episode: 

What is your Window of Tolerance

Numbness & fawning equal to anger and explosive traumatic behaviors

Bingo cards for family gatherings

How to know you are out of your Window of Tolerance

Trauma in tantrums

“T” trauma vs. “t” trauma

Common triggers for tantrums

Maladaptively formed identities

What to do when you encounter another adult having a tantrum

Emotions and feelings within your Window of Tolerance

Advice for parents from a therapist on how to not F up your kids

Practical tools for coping


Illuminating Hope - Joycy Lacombe’s private practice https://www.illuminatinghope.org/

Instagram @illuminating_hope https://www.instagram.com/Illuminating_Hope/

Instagram @unchartedlivingpodcast https://www.instagram.com/unchartedlivingpodcast/

Getting Back To Me: A Book For Children and Adults on Emotional Regulation by Joycy Ann Lacombe https://www.amazon.com/Getting-Back-Me-Emotional-Regulation/dp/1737254204/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3MUUHLQ6L1JYX&keywords=Getting+Back+To+Me%3A+A+Book+For+Children+and+Adults+on+Emotional+Regulation&qid=1683122208&s=books&sprefix=getting+back+to+me+a+book+for+children+and+adults+on+emotional+regulation%2Cstripbooks%2C139&sr=1-1

Interested in working with one of us?

Christine Calareso - calaresocoaching.com https://www.calaresocoaching.com/

Rebekah Burns - rebekahburns.com https://www.rebekahburns.com/

Thai Checel - abacusenrichment.com https://www.abacusenrichment.com/life-coaching

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