Uncharted Quickie: Life Hacks

Episode 4,   May 04, 2023, 03:00 AM

This short episode is filled with humor and stories and practical tips on how to hack your life and save you time! Check out our Uncharted Living: Mood Elevator Playlist in the resources. 

In this episode: 

Shopping in your own closet

What to do for interviews & important meetings

Colors to wear as a power move

personal fight song to get pumped up

Toilet seat covers ++

Spoiler: sometimes moms are right!

Conquering your to-do list

Staying in your lane

Why everyone needs a wife

Harmonious dishwasher choreography

How to remove an avocado pit

The untold beauty of children of divorce

Listen to an entire album: remember that?


Uncharted Living: Mood Elevator Spotify Playlist! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3nAcpvwQCP5bd63igiCqLR

Instagram - @unchartedlivingpodcast https://www.instagram.com/unchartedlivingpodcast/

The Impact of Fashion On The Environment https://psci.princeton.edu/tips/2020/7/20/the-impact-of-fast-fashion-on-the-environment

Science Says Wearing This Color Will Increase Your Odds of Beating Competition https://www.inc.com/john-boitnott/science-says-wearing-this-color-will-increase-your-odds-of-beating-competition.html

Gabrielle Union & Dwyane Wade Bring It With Head Turning Appearance At Met Gala 2023 https://www.eonline.com/news/1371316/gabrielle-union-and-dwyane-wade-bring-it-with-head-turning-appearance-at-met-gala-2023

How To Remove An Avocado Pit Without A Knife https://food52.com/blog/26320-how-to-remove-an-avocado-pit-without-a-knife

Interested in working with one of us?

Christine Calareso - calaresocoaching.com https://www.calaresocoaching.com/

Rebekah Burns - rebekahburns.com https://www.rebekahburns.com/

Thai Checel - abacusenrichment.com https://www.abacusenrichment.com/life-coaching

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