Leadership Styles: Why All Leaders Need Coaching Skills

Season 1, Episode 14,   Oct 03, 2023, 11:18 AM

Command and control is dead. In today's modern business world, leaders have to be more in tune with their people in order to get the most out of them. Whether it is due to hybrid/remote working, being more inclusive, adopting a growth mindset, developing an innovative culture - all of these rely on a leadership style that enables and trusts people and teams to deliver the strategic goals on their terms.

The Leader as Coach is a way of doing all of that and in this episode we discuss exactly what that means: what are the key skills, what benefits do they deliver, how does it work in practice, what needs to be in place culturally, what are the barriers - we answer these questions and more.

We are joined by two experts in leadership and coaching: Helen Caton Hughes and Bob Hughes from Forton Coaching, as well as IDG's leadership guru, Nigel Girling. Find out more about them and IDG using the links below.

Find out more about how we give leaders coaching skills here: https://www.inspirationaldevelopment.com/leader-as-coach

Join the discussion on our social channels, or you can contact us privately to discuss, using the links below.

Inspirational Development Group: https://www.linkedin.com/company/inspirationaldg

Nigel Girling: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nigel-girling-a2b7185/

Helen Caton-Hughes: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helencatonhughes

Bob Hughes: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bob-hughes-3881331/

Matthew Moore: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattgmoore/

Find out more about the Inspirational Development Group here: https://www.inspirationaldevelopment.com and you can email us on info@inspirationaldg.com.