#12 - Deathbed Decisions (Memento Mori)

Nov 13, 2023, 05:00 AM

This episode covers:
  • A perspective the most powerful man in the world used to live a good life
  • How to use death as a tool to create priority & meaning in your life.
  • This is info from a module in the Lifestyle Design University 
We are all going to die, that’s inevitable. But are we all going to really live?! That’s down to the individual. The majority won’t, and they will be on their deathbeds with regret. In this episode I will show you the perspective that the great Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius used to live a good life. One that has echoed through the ages as a part of Stoic philosophy. Most people fear death and let it paralyse them. But I will show you how to flip it and fear not living instead. This will propel you from paralysis into action to design the life you want. To live true to yourself and die with no regrets.

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