Fiddly sutures

Jun 23, 2015, 11:24 AM

Dot Morrison was Senior Lecturere in Nursing at the University of Worcester. #histmed #nursing #GMMedicalMuseum Transcript: "I can remember, here’s an anecdote - we tended to opt for sutures if you could, because removing clips, which were little metal items that clipped over and you had a stitch remover, the, the clips tended to have a life of their own they were fiddly to get off and they tended to fly off everywhere, and you didn’t want to do that when you had an assessor who may have been your ward sister or who may have been a clinical teacher from the School of Nursing, not exactly breathing over your shoulder - because that would have upset the aseptic technique, but it was alarming." (c) Charles Hastings Education Centre