L.1 人間と猫の特別な関係 (149 words)

Jan 21, 2017, 09:51 AM

固有名詞 Egypt:エジプト, Cyprus:キプロス

More than 600 million cats now live among humans. In fact, the cat is the most popular pet in the world. Many people once thought that humans first began to keep cats about 3,600 years ago, in Egypt. Recent research has shown, however, that people were already keeping cats 9,500 years ago on the island of Cyprus.

But why did humans develop a special relationship with cats in the first place? The answer is probably the “house mouse.” At least 10,000 years ago, this type of mouse began to live in people’s houses and to eat people’s grain. Wild cats probably discovered that it was relatively easy to catch these mice for their own food. Humans were probably very grateful to the cats. Over thousands of years, people have come to love cats for other reasons, of course. The “special relationship” continues, even in houses that have no mice.

