Episode #123 - Smear You On A Spear

Feb 28, 2016, 06:00 AM

This week saw the return of Crystal Reed to take us back and discover the Argent legacy in Teen Wolf season 5 episode 18 "The Maid of Gévaudan"

Featured Song: "Save Tonight" by ZAYDE WØLF

- It's the long-awaited return of Crystal Reed, playing an Argent ancestor in the 1700s.
- Karen and Natalie both fail big time this week when it comes to remembering details. Whoops.
- We theorize on why Marie-Jeanne was so respected in her town at a time when women had very little power.
- Sebastien and Marcel are definitely an item: there's no other explanation.
- We are in love with Henri and his general competence. Deaton needs a bigger spice rack if he wants to hold a candle to this guy.
- How did we feel about the quality of the "period drama" portions of the episode?
- How did we feel about Crystal's performance as Marie-Jeanne and her presence in the show?
- We learn exactly who the Beast of Gévaudan actually was, but we still have a lot of questions.
- Namely, why was he such a dick?
- In the present day, Parrish still wants to leave. But he can't! That boy is our last hope.
- No. There is another. (Lydia = Princess Leia?)
- We try to work out what exactly they expect Lydia to do to fulfill the Argents' legacy.
- Meanwhile, Stiles picks up a few tips from Hayden about how to help Scott out the next time he's injured.
- Really though - is the whole "pain makes you human" thing actually just a "Derek sucks at life" thing?
- Is Stiles going to end up getting kidnapped? Is that going to be a cliffhanger for the whole season?
- How about the fact that about thirty kids just saw Scott fighting as a werewolf? How is that going to affect the pack?
- Karen hopes that they sing to him.
- We need to know how many of our listeners are also current Buffy Rewatchable newbies! Please let us know!
- Do we actually believe that Mason is the Beast, or is another twist coming?

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