Episode #118 - Little Baby Fox

Jan 25, 2016, 06:00 AM

Karen and Natalie interview Teen Wolf writer Will Wallace about his latest episode, "Codominance," which featured the return of Kira, his very favorite character.

Featured Song: "Shut Out of Paradise" by Slo

- We grabbed some time with Will to talk about his first episode of 5B.
- First things first, he's now an official staff writer - how did that happen?
- We get introspective and weird about the whole "no plan B" tactic for success.
- Will may have wrote this script, but each overall story is collaborative with the whole writing team. Which part of this episode did he feel the most ownership over?
- How long has the show been planning to use the Skinwalker mythology? Will tells us about the Native American consultant he spoke with while writing this episode.
- What was it like to film out in the desert with director Jen Lynch?
- Will we see the Skinwalkers again? Maybe...
- There's a lot to Noshiko - her age provides a huge sense of disconnect, and her powers are now somewhat fragile.
- We hear a scrapped idea about showing the kitsune and Skinwalker animal spirits with CGI.
- The idea that the mythology and supernatural world is all cut from the same cloth is something that makes sense for Teen Wolf.
- Being supernatural - of any kind - could be sort of like having the mutant gene in X-men. Same base genetic element that presents itself in different ways.
- What does it mean that Kira's greatest fear is the Oni?
- What's the meaning of "Codominance" as a metaphor here?
- We discover the way the team discovered the damnatio memoriae situation and how it made everything fall into place.
- Will gives us a very plausible reason for why Deucalion's still blind.
- Aside from handling Kira's return, Will also got to write the big moment of understanding between Scott and Stiles. What did the writers feel it was important to tell us here?
- We ask for a teaser for next week, and are subsequently made very nervous.
- By the end, we're just kind of hyped and gushing about stuff. Will's desperate to come back on and talk headcanons.

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