Episode #110 - Burn Book

Dec 01, 2015, 06:00 AM

Natalie and Karen reunite to break down the new Teen Wolf trailer and the Circles of Hell.

Featured Song: "Highway to Hell," covered by Jonathan Groff

- First order of business: there's a new trailer for Teen Wolf season 5b!
- Second order of business: Karen's drunk.
- There was an online treasure hunt to find the trailer which revealed images of the characters representing the Nine Circles of Hell from Dante Alighieri's Inferno.
- We have no idea how significant those labels are going to be, but we break down the Circles of Hell regardless, and how they might relate to the characters.
- To summarize: from least bad to the very worst, it goes Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Anger, Heresy, Violence, Fraud, Treachery.
- That's, in order, Lydia, Malia, Deucalion, Meredith, Liam, Chris, Stiles, Theo and Kira.
- When we get to Violence, we might get a little distracted by the violence in another very important trailer released this week.
- Wait, Kira's the very worst? What? Why, Teen Wolf? Why?
- Are these characters being labelled with these sins as an objective judgement, or is it symbolizing their personal struggles and fears?
- Now that you've learnt way too much about early Renaissance Italian poetry, we move on to the actual trailer breakdown.
- We're very interested in what, specifically, Malia is rejecting Scott about, and the daylight Scott and Stiles scene.
- Deucalion's back - is he going to assist Theo, or Scott? Will Theo and Scott be on the same side against the Dread Doctors?
- There's a bit where the trailer audio got recorded through the Skype channel - sorry.
- Gerard is also back. How soon can we kill him?
- That shower scene's gotta be a vision, but is it a one-sided or mutual hallucination?
- Karen recognizes Malia from her shorts.
- Natalie finally realizes that Meredith is actually in the trailer.
- How long does it take people to perfect and hone their new powers? Lydia's going on four seasons now - what does this mean for Parrish?
- What did we think of the CGI of the Beast?
- In our feedback section: please tune in and contribute your answers about what Teen Wolf has taught you over the years - from heartfelt life lessons to fun trivia. We need your answers for a future episode!

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