Episode #94 - Werewolf Nirvana

Jun 18, 2015, 06:00 AM

Karen and Natalie conclude their character analysis episodes with Derek Hale.

Featured Song: "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift

-Why is Derek Hale last? Does Karen hate him or something?
-We talk about how much we love Derek.
-Even though he was an antagonist at first, though not an outright villain.
-He probably shouldn't have kept all those secrets from Scott.
-He was an amazing lurker, though.
-Is it good when he becomes Alpha?
-Probably as good as it was when he bit Isaac, Erica, and Boyd.
-He definitely gains more respect for Scott in season 2.
-Why is he so hellbent on killing the Kanima?
-Cora is alive! What a relief for Derek.
-This also gives us the opportunity to learn about Paige.
-Derek gives up his power to save Cora.
-We love Zen Derek.
-We're glad he talked to his (dead) mother about his place in the world and Beacon Hills.
-He's so much more trusting.
-We LOVE his relationship with Chris Argent.
-And the fact that he convinced the twins to trust Scott speaks volumes.
-Derek basically loses his identity in season 4.
-But we like seeing him as just human.
-We also love Baby Derek.
-And his relationship with Braeden and how they make each other better.
-Oh, and he can totally turn into a wolf now.
-Derek won't be a series regular in season 5.
-We imagine him being a werewolf ambassador.
-And Natalie thinks people will be riding on his back.
-Either way, we need more of his trademark humor.
-Listeners also write in to tell us why they love Derek Hale.
-And we do some housekeeping to let you know what's going on over the next few weeks.

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