Episode #78 - Double Stuf Murder

Aug 26, 2014, 06:00 AM

Karen and Courtney discuss Teen Wolf season 4, episode 10, "Monstrous."

Featured Song: "The Monster" by Eminem ft. Rihanna

-Courtney wants her own intro music.
-Nat likes Les Misérables more than us.
-This is the first and last time we draw a parallel between Peter and Stiles.
-Hercules and Teen Wolf parallels are totally okay though.
-We got a great look into Liam's character this episode.
-Scott McCall for president.
-Ouch. Allison feels.
-How big was Satomi's pack before they started getting attacked?
-Could Satomi and Scott's packs merge in the future?
-Harry werewolf.
-What's Chris gonna do with the wolfsbane he found?
-Is he up to something?
-We're sooooo happy Maila and Stiles have made up.
-We ponder matchmaking ghosts.
-Malia still has a lot of progress to make.
-Could more hunters be in our future?
-We discuss Lorraine Martin's (very confusing) list of predictions.
-Humanity looks good on Derek Hale.
-Derek and Braeden have feelings...in their pants.
-Braeden has subtly been aligning herself with Derek and the others.
-We try to nail down a timeline.
-Do old recorders chugging out Dead Pools have a niche on eBay?
-Sheriff Stilinski got scary this episode.
-Peter is not allowed to move to Utah and enter into a polygamous relationship with the other parents.
-Whoa, was Scott turning into the scary wolf we saw Peter turn in to?
-Why did Lorraine hide the key in the wine?
-We loved the entire Benefactor plot line.
-Why are Kate and Peter working with each other?
-Can you believe we only have two more episodes left??
-Could Liam leave Scott's pack?
-What would our last meal be?
-Did you catch the Derek and Braeden hug?
-Was Malia's mother an assassin!?
-Mmmmmm. Murder.

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