Episode #77 - Weresalamander

Aug 22, 2014, 06:00 AM

Karen and Donya discuss Teen Wolf season 4, episode 9 "Perishable," and we also bring you an exclusive interview with this week's hero of the hour, Ryan Kelley.

Featured Song: "Paris" by Magic Man

- Donya's filling in for Natalie on the recap this week - she's pre-coffee and prepared to fangirl.
- In our quotes section, there's lots of discussion about where Mason fits in all of this - he's not on the chessboard!
- This week's cold open was pretty shocking.
- Donya hated Haigh from the first moment he was mean to baby Derek.
- Karen is complaining about Umbridge again.
- Parrish survived that blaze - theories abound about what he is!
- Even nice people have their breaking point - for some, it's being set on fire, we guess.
- Did Derek's lack of power contribute to him not being able to identify Parrish.
- Stiles spends way too much time in that hospital.
- Donya wonders what kind of support cops who get injured on duty have, and, because she's not American, she's freaked out by the health care situation.
- So the dead pool is just going out to randoms now? How and why?
- Liam is very, very twitchy after his incident with the berserkers.
- Lots of Lydia this episode - we're pleased. How did she find out about her family history?
- Why was Scott panicking and counting the money? Our hosts both suspect different people.
- Is there any significance to the other people on the Lorraine Martin list?
- Derek's off the deal pool - we guess he's fully human now. We theorise why all the extra funds went to Liam's price.
- Why did Lydia put Stiles's name on that other list?
- It's bonfire time - oh, teens.
- What did we think of the music influence thing? Yay or nay?
- We'd really like Satomi to teach all the young wolves some tricks - please don't kill her!
- Did we think Brunski was the Benefactor? Karen got excited, Donya got a bit too technical.
- This tumblr post has messed with our heads.
- Karen is kind of sad that Brunksi is dead. What?
- We need Danny and his hacker skills, ASAP.
- Human Derek finally knows how to fight! He can't fall back on his automatic powers anymore.
- Parrish shot a guy - is that going to have consequences?
- Is Meredith acting alone? Is she a tool for someone, or a mastermind?
- What happened to the guy with the shoes?
- We get some good discussion out of a piece of feedback about Stiles's name being on that list.
- Because this is Teen Wolf, we're telling scar stories in our non sequitur section.
- In addition to our recap, we bring you an interview with Deputy Parrish himself, Ryan Kelley!
- Ryan tells us about what it was like to film this episode and be covered in soot all day, how it feels to be introduced to the Pack, his theories about what Parrish might be, and he gives us a bit of a hint as to what might end up being Parrish's fatal flaw. Oh yeah, and his thoughts on Parrish/Lydia, just in case you were wondering.

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