Episode #74 - Forever Children

Aug 02, 2014, 06:00 AM

Karen makes her triumphant return from SDCC for this week's discussion about Teen Wolf season 4 episode 6, "Orphaned."

Featured Song: Coward by Hayden Calnin

- "Karen went to Comic-con, everyone now hates her."
- She tells us about some of her fun experiences, including press round tables, the new bestiary, and playing some Teen Wolf trivia games with Jeff Davis on The Hollywood Reporter's "Superfan vs Showrunner."
- She also saw Dylan O'Brien's new movie The Maze Runner, no big deal.
- Natalie doesn't have anything cool to bring to the table. She's sick.
- There's a lot of Parrish in our quotes section, and we're probably kicking Brook off the podcast.
- We have a bunch of Parrish theories, but we really fear a Haley Webb situation happening with him.
- That broken toys line of Peter's - "There isn't really a reason for it, other than that he's a sociopath."
- We're relieved no main characters got orphaned - the title had us worried.
- Kate is on the Benefactor list, so why does she also have a Benefactor tape?
- The Orphans - Violet and Garrett - they "look like kids." How old are they? Are they some sort of demi-supernatural? Because The Mute was also an unusual sort of "human."
- Loving the mention of the Hales as benevolent Beacon Hills royalty.
- Natalie has a crack theory that Derek was a werewolf squib
- Peter isn't even subtle about the transfer of Derek's power, is he?
- Well, they straight-up put Violet under legal arrest. What do we think of this handling?
- Agent McCall is back. Deaton is also back. Woo. Party. Yay.
- Satomi's coming back?! Her pack lifestyle sounds cool - might have been a good fit for Derek, he could get some meditating in.
- What's our opinion of Scott taking that money from Garrett's Benefactor payment?
- We always love seeing more new interactions or characters pairing up to work together - this week it's Derek and Malia.
- We saw them building that well when we were on set! It's the same one from The Ring.
- We have ore thoughts about Parrish - he's both clearly very curious and also very accepting of this strangeness?
- "That is the Steve Rogers of the situation." We have some feelings about Parrish's sass and manipulation of the horrid Brunski.
- Karen goes into detail about why she hates Brunski.
- Is there a reason for Lydia's harsh treatment of Meredith?
- The car heist scene - bye, Garret. How long had the Orphans been lurking Beacon Hills?
- Scott, his dad and the Sheriff - Natalie has a mean question for Karen.
- How sentient are the Berserkers? Will we hear more about their history?
- Kate takes Violet (and kills her, bye Violet) to try and find The Benefactor, but someone else knows who he is - Meredith. How?
- Stiles's handling of the hurt and damaged Lydia brings up some old shipping feelings and questions.
- We need to know more about Werewolf Jail immediately.
- Braeden is injured with Satomi's pack, what was she doing there? Also, don't worry, she'll be back.
- We get a great explanation about Scott not noticing Brett last week. This pack hides their smell and lives as peacefully and human-ly as possible.
- Derek Hale - closet Buddhist.
- Derek Hale has always been smart and knowledgeable, Karen would like to point out.
- Kate, for all her flaws, does want to protect Chris - what's the deal here? Where is Kate at mentally now? She seems a little different from before.
- Is the Benefactor in any way invested in Allison's death?
- Liam manages to almost save himself from the well, and Scott's there to help. Hugging! (Shipping it.)
- Their bond seems really instinctive - is this affected by alpha/beta connection (we don't wanna say imprinting, but an automatic emotional feeling that isn't a choice?) or is it just their personalities?
- Liam is on the third list - the Benefactor moves fast (or is psychic,) because Liam wasn't a werewolf when the first part of the list went out.
- Derek is the last code word - it's not a season of Teen Wolf if we don't have a Derek death threat!
- Was Meredith's death pre-emptive, forced, or murder?
- What does Peter not being on the list mean? Only bad things.
- Is Satomi an Alpha? We will find out later in the season.
- What contributes to the monetary value of different people?
- Brook thinks Parrish killed Meredith, and is promptly fired.
- What is on the tape that Scott has? Was it intended for him all along?
- Kate and Peter team up, which is bound to be a complete disaster. (We do NOT ship it.)
- How long is Peter's long game? Natalie has a theory.
- We address some feedback - regarding Derek's death and also his loss of powers.
- What if Scott gives him his powers back by giving him the bite? Will we finally get our longed-for beta ceremony?
- One day, we'll think they're bluffing about Derek's death and it will end up being the real thing. NO.
- Another bit of feedback about the direction the writers are taking Peter. Do we agree? Yes, but...
- We're talking about weird cosplay in our non sequitur section.
- Natalie might quit the show before next week's "Weaponized," because epidemics/quarantines are her least fave.

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