Episode #62 - Rushmore

Apr 28, 2014, 06:00 AM

Podcasting live and in person from the Teen Wolf set in Los Angeles! Natalie, Karen, Courtney, Donya and Brook report on their set visit findings and interview three of the Teen Wolf writing team.

Featured Song: "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus

- We're in Los Angeles for BiteCon!!!
- It's the first day that all five of us have been in the same room!!!
- The room in question is the actual Teen Wolf Headquarters conference room!!!
- *muffled screaming*
- We tell you about our day visiting the Teen Wolf production offices and sets.
- No big deal, whatever.
- We were there for five freaking hours.
- We talk about some of the sets and costumes we got to see, and the cast and crew who we got to meet.
- Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.
- We're also visited by three of the Teen Wolf writing team for an exclusive interview!
- Ian Stokes, Alyssa Clark and Angela Harvey tell us about their experience as writers on Teen Wolf, we talk a little about the particular episodes they headlined and the overall collaborative experience.
- We coax a few little hints about season 4 from them (road trip in the Jeep! Malia! Derek knows things!) and absolutely grill them for details on past episodes, including the Gina Holden mystery in Eichen House.
- We are, in general, very excited and will probably be talking about this day for the next 27 years.

Hit the comments to give us feedback and suggestions for the show! And as always, please follow us or hit us up:

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Email: natwpodcast@gmail.com

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