Episode #58 - Kill The Spare

Mar 13, 2014, 06:00 AM

Karen and Natalie are joined by special guest Jack Farrugia to recap Teen Wolf season 3, episode 22 "De-Void."

Featured Song: "Not Just A Girl" by She Wants Revenge

- We introduce Jack. You can reach him on Twitter here.
- Jack is on Glee Chat with Natalie, and this conversation contains spoilers for the Glee 100th episode, if you care at all.
- For our favorite quotes, Jack and Natalie both pick Peter while Karen picks Othello.
- We are still so confused by Peter's deal and we have a feeling it's to do with Ian Bohen's face. He does genuine concern so well! Why? What?
- Why does Mrs Yukimura call off the oni, and what exactly is the situation with the self kanji in Eichen House? Is it a gravestone?
- Rhys vs Reyes - there was some confusion and mixed messages about the medic's name last week!
- Why does Mrs Yukimura claim that Stilesgitsune is worse and more monstrous than Rhysgitsune?
- How'd y'all feel about the gore factor in this episode? Flies crawling under skin and such?
- Kira avoids her parents after the big 900 year old reveal - probably pretty realistic. Also, she and Scott finally kiss - are we into it?
- Allison disarmed Chris's gun - is this an evil trick on the side of the nogitsune, or is she a good girl looking out for her friend Stiles?
- Is Peter the "unexpected returning ally" in this episode? We didn't realise he was considered to be gone! We might have expected someone else.
- Also, is this episode completely groundbreaking? Is it a game changer? Is it changing the course of the show? We're hearing a lot of this kind of talk and while we thought it was a great episode we think we might be missing something, as it didn't feel that unusual to us.
- Is there some sort of hint or clue in the Derek and Peter chess scene?
- We liked Lydia's banshee powers appearing as the GPS tracker. Was Stiles really near death? Is the nogitsune able to influence her power?
- The nogitsune flies possess people and turn them cray-cray, but not into actual minions - just independent creators of chaos and strife. Weirdly, the twins don't seem too different from their normal selves. How do we feel about Ethan and Aiden at this present moment?
- We still have a lot of questions about Barrow. Karen wants him back. Karen needs a spin-off series dedicated to her love for all the show's serial killers.
- Deaton is useless. All he did was provide a bit of gaffa tape.
- We reallllllly liked the Team Kira and Allison fight against the possessed wolves.
- We also kinda reallllllly loved the crazy burny Derek scene, mainly because Chris Argent freaking loves Derek now and it's incredible.
- Agent McCall saves Sheriff Stilinski's job. Why?
- We try to puzzle out this McCall/Stilinski Family Secret. Natalie has a hunch it's tied into the Peter Hale Babygate.
- Is next season going to be Teen Wolf: The Next Generation?
- Scott and Lydia get into Stiles's head - kind of literally. Are the situations they find themselves in traps? Also, is the Allison in there a projection, or something more evil?
- Lots of Harry Potter references this week, from "are you a witch or not!" to King's Cross Station and "neither can live while the other survives."
- What does the game of Go being played on the Nemeton symbolise? Has Stiles been possessed since drowning? Did he never come out of the white room?
- Is it a sheer coincidence that Stiles wakes up and vomits out Other Stiles when Lydia says Malia's name?
- In our feedback section we address the problem of two Stileses, which one is the original, and how we're going to get rid of one of them.
- We also talk about the potential Melissa/Sheriff connection - will the show ever actually have time for them to have a relationship?
- In our Non Sequitur section, Natalie asks the group about their weird and obscure celebrity crushes and subsequently feels creepy about how weird hers are.

Hit the comments to give us feedback and suggestions for the show! And as always, please follow us or hit us up:

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Email: natwpodcast@gmail.com

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