Episode #56 - Extra Crispy

Mar 05, 2014, 06:00 AM

Karen and Natalie are joined by our historian friend Liz to recap Teen Wolf season 3, episode 21 "The Fox and The Wolf."

Featured Song: "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn

- We introduce Liz, who can be reached on Tumblr if you would like to chat more about history!
- One of our fave quotes is totally Team Angel, the others are a bit more introspective.
- How did we find the pacing of this flashback episode?
- Liz weighs in on the historical accuracy regarding Japanese American internment camps, including the difference in attitude of the Japanese people, and the living conditions portrayed.
- How much influence did the supernatural presence of Noshiko have on the other people at Oak Creek?
- Was the riddling soldier seen at the start a red herring?
- We like how Mr Yukimura handles himself. Also, is this how the nogitsune makes his little minions? Possession by flies?
- Malia apparently met up with Scott offscreen. Okay then.
- Are the druids Teen Wolf's "fortune cookies?"
- MTV allegedly confirmed the Stiles and Malia hookup was reality - we're not all convinced.
- Mrs Yukimura is apparently 900. Sure, why not? Why did they choose to have Arden play her in flashbacks - making her identical to Kira - and how does her aging work?
- Did she choose to age with her husband? Is it an Arwen and Aragorn situation?
- And Mr Yukimura is cool about Noshiko's past with poor dear lovely burnt-up Rhys?
- So the Yukimuras have pretty much known about the Pack the entire time, right?
- Derek and Chris are out of jail, thanks to the Sheriff.
- Stiles isn't sick - how did the nogitsune fake the brain scans?
- What is the Sheriff's connection to the army? It's the first we're hearing of it - also is something in his office significant here?
- If they're going to break into army records at some point, can we get Danny in on this to hack the government? We miss hacker Danny.
- We revert back to the ever-present "Danny knows everything about everyone" crack theory.
- In the Oak Creek flashbacks - we were expecting the reveal of a new werewolf?
- Was Oak Creek in the same place, or attached, to Eichen House? Was the black market situation realistic?
- We were not really expecting Rhys to get burnt up. What a shame. Does he have Hale blood in him?
- The scene between Allison and Sheriff Stilinski is beautifully touching. "She's just so good at crying," Karen says. Meanwhile, Natalie thinks it's something sinister and manipulative.
- We're gonna feel bad if the whole Allison thing was totally innocent and we've been slagging her off as evil for the whole season.
- What would have happened if the nogitsune had possessed Noshiko, as she intended? What is the difference between BEING a kitsune and being possessed by a kitsune spirit?
- Is the sword magic? Was it forged by kitsune lightning before?
- Noshiko makes Kira zap the sword because she apparently isn't a "thunder kitsune." However, we've seen her demonstrate electrical power before... haven't we? With the lightbulb?
- Scott is not having any of this "let's kill Stiles" nonsense. Also, with all this talk of history repeating itself, is this season going to end with a situation similar to Jackson's "death?"
- Derek is Stiles's chessboard king. What does this mean? Also, what could the presence of Chess versus Go in the series represent?
- So everything is the Nemeton's fault? Again? Thanks a lot, tree.
- Karen has an awful crack theory about a potential long game they may have been playing.
- When did Barrow get that fly-tumor - when did he become one of the nogitsune's helpers?
- Will we see any stories semi-resolved next week? Episode 10 of 12 is usually when an initial big bad is sorted out and then the final two episodes tackle the bigger bad.
- In our Non Sequitur section, we're talking cult classic films.
- This weekend, we're releasing a very special fandom-crossover episode about fanfiction - an interview with Heidi Tandy of Archive of Our Own in celebration of their one million fanworks milestone.

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Email: natwpodcast@gmail.com

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