Episode #55 - Fly-Cougher-Upper

Feb 26, 2014, 06:00 AM

Karen and Natalie are joined by Hypable staffer and mental health professional Jen to recap Teen Wolf season 3, episode 20 "Echo House."

Featured Song: "Shout" by Ida Redig

- Jen and Karen are both victims of the polar vortex.
- Melissa's tweet about Jeff hiding something in plain sight has us second-guessing everything. EVERYTHING.
- Our fave quotes are a mixed bag, from existential to humorous.
- Right from the start, this episode seems strange. Nothing makes sense and events aren't really explained. Nothing about Eichen House seems believable as a mental facility in modern times.
- Could this be because it's all a dream or projection of Stiles's mind?
- We didn't realise Chris and Deaton had been working together! Also, do we buy that Allison had that brainwave about the scroll?
- We meet two new characters in Eichen House - Oliver and Meredith. Both could have significant future stories on Teen Wolf.
- We also re-meet some familiar faces - Ms Morell and Malia Tate. Why is Malia institutionalized, exactly?
- Do the events following Stiles seem too convenient?
- Derek and Chris are still in jail, and they discuss the berserkers. Also, Derek has totally read Hogwarts: A History.
- The Lictenberg Figure scar - how did this appear, exactly?
- Malia wants to go back to being a coyote? Maybe Scott can help.
- Wow, the twins are idiots.
- The head orderly seems to be very negative towards Stiles, and the "quiet room" is yet another example of how Eichen House is not a realistic hospital.
- Does being a kitsune immediately give you mad sword skills? Nice work, Kira.
- Seriously, is Stiles dreaming? Has he been in a dream since like, the start of 3B?
- The South American hunter woman returns and we suspect that she's someone's mom.
- Stiles and Malia apparently have sex. Or do they? It's a bit out of left field.
- Scott and the pack manage to overpower Kinkaid and get Katashi's finger - could Kinkaid be a future ally?
- Malia and Stiles find the dead body of the original nogitsune, or its host. Stiles finds a clue to the identity of the long-dead man and we have some theories about that.
- Everything goes a bit nuts and the nogitsune re-possesses Stiles.
- Malia just gets to check herself out and leave? What? And she can do the eye thing.. what does she actually want? Is she evil?
- Oliver's reference to Dracula and Renfield is weirdly specific. How many Renfields are there?
- Deaton and Scott read the scroll containing information on exorcising a nogitsune, and wonder if they have to change Stiles's body by giving him the bite.
- We wonder just what "The Divine Move" (season 3's finale title) will be - we're not prepared.
- In our Non-Sequitur section we reveal which iconic movies we haven't seen. Stiles is really stressed at us right now.
- Jen confirms that there's pretty much no accuracy or reality in the mental health facility shown in "Echo House," and it's much more like the slightly barbaric institutions of the 1950s. This seem very significant given that Teen Wolf is usually quite careful with sensitive scenarios.

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