Episode #51- This Isn't 'The Simpsons'

Jan 29, 2014, 06:00 AM

Karen, Natalie and guest-of-the-week Courtney recap and theorize the happenings of Teen Wolf season 3, episode 16 "Illuminated."

Featured Song: "Alpha Remix" by Bloody Beetroots

- This week's special guest co-host is our very own Courtney!
- In our quotes section, Karen is a grammar nerd and Courtney's quote tackles the heart of the show.
- We chat about this week's theme song remix, by guest star DJ Bloody Beetroots. Natalie theorizes about some other remix styles which may not go down so well.
- It's Halloween in January! Is that weird?
- Isaac got zapped by the masked smoke demons - are these the things that came out of the nemeton? Why does Chris think they're after him and why does he have one of their masks as a keepsake?
- Stiles and his dad giggle and terrorize Agent McCall. It's just great.
- We're kind of surprised that the writing on the chalkboard was immediately revealed as a clue written FOR Barrow.
- Speaking of Barrow, is he officially dead, because this seems unclear.
- Would you be sent to school with no power? Karen thinks they need electricity to flush toilets. We are confused by what plumbing she's seen before.
- We're all a bit frazzled by outside circumstances this week.
- This was our planned 50th episode, before the BiteCon livestream came up, but it might be a bit of a let-down due to us being delirious.
- The blacklight party is hosted by Danny, and Ethan helps him out. We discuss Ethan and Aiden's motivations and how the twins may not be on the same page as one another.
- Lydia's mom is here to teach... some sort of science! The inconsistencies here make us wonder what's going on, and we also chat about how science classes worked in our respective school systems.
- In this scene, Lydia also puts her foot down about Aiden with a kick-ass speech.
- We're confused as to why those pictures of Kira would be such a big deal, surely they'd just think it was a camera glitch? Also, we try to work out why the police needed her phone as evidence if they hadn't already known about the pictures.
- More school class talk - this time about math, given that Scott's taking pre-Calc! Someone in our team aced it!
- We spend time appreciating the episode's most important scene - Derek Hale giving candy to trick-or-treaters. We make up some fun AUs involving Derek and and Halloween and children. We scream and cry and demand fanfiction and laugh at Derek Hale's ridiculous life.
- We realize that we got ROBBED - it's the Halloween episode, long-awaited, and we don't see anyone in costume!
- Scott and Kira and Stiles at the police station. We try to work out who knows what about the pictures.
- When Stiles stalls McCall - what is he referring to? What does he know that Agent McCall doesn't want Scott and Melissa to know?
- The actual blacklight party is overwhelming. Derek can never know about it. He wouldn't handle that many bright colours.
- How do Scott's alpha-eyes work? If they're a supernatural detector, that would have come in handy a bit earlier.
- Are the spirit/glow things around Kira part of her own powers, or separate entities guarding her?
- Everyone starts getting zapped by the firefly-eye smoke guys.
- Allison and Isaac escalate their awkwardness. We didn't know that was possible.
- Infinitely less awkward are Stiles and the returned bisexual character Caitlin. She surprises Stiles by her interest in him and by her casual questioning... leading to a near-confirmation of Stiles's own long-assumed bisexuality. We discuss what this could mean for the show, for the character and for shipping.
- We hope for a more solid clarification in order to quell arguments on this topic as well!
- We have some fanfiction requests, because some of us have lives outside of Teen Wolf and don't have time to read every new fic that comes out to check if it's good. Some of us have to make room in our lives for other things, like One Direction.
- The masked guys have left a branding mark on everyone they've zapped. We have a few well-researched fan theories about what that mark could mean.
- Kira basically sees the whole pack fighting the smoke demon guys. So, she knows something's up now. Court has a great idea about how this might play out, given that Stiles wasn't present by this point.
- Someone added a rather disruptive addendum to our show notes about Chris Argent coming home injured.
- Stiles makes a discovery about what happened with Barrow at the school - it seems like he himself was the one helping him. Will this be his "dark Willow" season? What is going to happen? How bad will this get?
- We chat about some feedback we got about the deaths of some of the past villains, and how there might be a pattern there involving fate or karma, and also about the idea of Derek becoming Scott's beta, and what we think of Derek losing his alpha status in general.
- We finish up with our Non Sequitur Section and a strange theory about what will happen in next week's episode, "Silverfinger."

Hit the comments to give us feedback and suggestions for the show! And as always, please follow us or hit us up:

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Email: natwpodcast@gmail.com

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