Episode #45 - Santa Claws

Dec 24, 2013, 06:00 AM

Karen, Natalie and Courtney wish everyone a very Teen Wolf Christmas on this special holiday episode of Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast.

Featured Song: "Sleigh Ride" by Oh, Hush!

- We tell you what we're doing for Christmas, including our own family and regional traditions.

- We talk presents - what are the best gifts we're giving this year?

- More important, what gifts would we give the Teen Wolf characters if we could invite them over for the holidays?

- Natalie gets a bit enthusiastic with a Christmas sound board app.

- We discuss the best Christmas episodes of our favorite TV shows.

- What would we realistically expect from a Teen Wolf Christmas Special?

- What roles could some of the cast play in Christmas movies?

- We tell Christmas tales - we read out our three winning Teen Wolf holiday ficlet submissions!

- We leave you with a beautiful rendition of a classic Christmas poem.

- And more sound board effects.

- Happy Holidays from all at Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast!

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Twitter: @NATWPodcast

Email: natwpodcast@gmail.com

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