Episode #32 - Supernatural Bipolarness

Aug 02, 2013, 06:00 AM

Natalie, Karen and our guest host and BFF Mitch Clow discuss season 3, episode 9 of Teen Wolf, "The Girl Who Knew Too Much."

Featured Song: "I Can't Find You" by SolarSolar


- We welcome Mitch onto the show!
- In our quotes section, Mitch has a very important reason for y'all to take Dethan seriously.
- The Lydia/Scott handholding - romantic or not?
- This moment sets us off on a very long shipping tangent.
- Including Sterek - maybe women, in general, is where Derek is doing it wrong?
- Scott/Isaac/Allison - what's going on here, folks?
- Natalie discusses the wolfy instincts that the Scisaac stuff may represent.
- Tyler Poser says Scott could date a guy?
- The quote about Stiles's mom - was that a guilt thing, or genuine? Was it immature of Stiles? Will it have lasting implications?
- The Sheriff listens to the whole story but is still unable to accept - why didn't he cut Stiles off to start with?
- Will the Sheriff get the bite? Someone else is getting turned this season, right?
- Aiden might be crazy.
- Stiles should build up a utility belt's worth of Druid-tastic defences.
- Mitch, the host of Poké Chat, compares Emissaries to Pokémon trainers.
- Natalie says that Pokémon is slavery.
- The idea of Allison with Isaac - we explore the main differences between him and Scott.
- Allison assumed Scott sent Isaac. Did he, or did Isaac go to her of his own volition?
- Mitch asks if he can use a bad word.
- Scott. Isaac. Allison. Could this show actually be going to a polyamory place? Will this be controversial?
- In the episode run-through - what was the deal with the cop seeing her own death?
- Twin backstory! There's a nice melding of the scientific omega wolves and the show's usage so far.
- How old are the twins? What is the aging process for adult werewolves? Also, what other special twin powers do they have?
- We re-examine Ethan's hallucination from "Motel California."
- Cora's non-healing - what happened? Why is she so weak? Why is the healing thing so inconsistent?
- We decide it must be to do with the brain.
- How did Aiden know about Boyd and Derek trying to kill Lydia?
- Once again, how much does Danny know? Did Jackson ever tell him anything?
- Aiden and Lydia - are they legit at all? "He can't love," says Mitch. Do you agree?
- Discovering the map - Scott/Allison vs Scott/Isaac. We discuss the differences in their potential relationships a bit more.
- Did Chris spend his gap year volunteering with Druids or something?
- Why did they assume Chris was the villian?
- Does Chris still serve a purpose? Will we see Little Orphan Allison?
- Deucalion throws his toys, Morell psychoanalyses.
- Why, precisely, is Deuc such a threat?
- The options that Deuc wants to give Scott - how would that end up working?
- That hug between Jennifer and Derek. That smile. So weird.
- Jennifer is the Darach - was it done well? Were there too many accidental clues?
- Natalie knew it was a lady.
- The attempt to tell Stiles's dad - the chess game - does the Sheriff think that there is something deeply wrong with Stiles?
- Chris Argent fires two guns whilst jumping through the air!
- If you get that reference, kudos.
- Did Chris accidentally shoot the victim?
- The body found with slash marks - Jennifer's body - has this ever come up before? It was dropped in like we were meant to already know about it.
- Who was she? We have a pretty solid guess.
- The sacrificial cycle - is this a real one, from mythology/history? It sounds very familiar.
- The recital - was the music actually affecting things?
- The Sheriff's confrontation with Jennifer - have we cracked the reason the Darach is doing the sacrifices - what she's gaining?
- What's with the mistletoe?
- Are Ethan and Aiden too hard to tell apart?
- BANSHEE. What do we know? What might this mean?
- Peter - we bet he knows. Does it pre-date the Bite?
- Is Jennifer the Darach 24/7?
- Who was "the girl who knew too much?"
- Next week's sneak peek - who is "the overlooked?"

***A prize if you can pinpoint the time stamp where Natalie was talking while eating!

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