Episode #25 - Twinmobile

Jun 27, 2013, 06:00 AM

Natalie and Karen discuss season 3, episode 4 of Teen Wolf, "Unleashed."

Featured Song: "Raveheart" by Galantis


-This is our 25th episode!
-Have you guys heard about our Teen Wolf Takeover yet?
-It was so hard to pick our favorite quotes this time around!
-FYI, we love Sassy Scott.
-Daniel Sharman’s tweeting may have been better than Isaac’s quote this week.
-Deucalion is so dramatic.
-Karen and Natalie try to come to terms with the fact they actually missed Harris.
-Could the killer be hypnotizing his victims?
-What do we think about the introduction of mistletoe?
-Smiley Derek is the best Derek ever.
-We like that Ms. Blake wasn’t a damsel in distress.
-Was the therapist line a throwaway?
-How do we feel about Ms. Blake so far?
-Did Danny overhear Scott and Stiles’ conversation?
-Were we the only ones distracted by Danny’s shirt?
-Was this scene a clue to Stiles’ sexuality or was he just desperate?
-It’s the little things that makes Teen Wolf great.
-Did Scott and Isaac not know the twins were werewolves?
-Do we think the twins looked confused when everyone discovered the body?
-Whose side were we on in the Stiles vs. Isaac debate, and how did we feel Scott handled it?
-Did anyone else catch Stiles in the background during the scene where everyone is running?
-Is Cora actually on Derek’s side?
-Was anyone else hoping for more of a Cora and Derek reunion?
-Kali totally called Deucalion Duke. Karen is pleased.
-Also, Kali is insane. But that doesn’t mean we don’t still love her.
-Did Allison ACTUALLY see her mother? Or was it just a portrayal of her mental state?
-How do we feel about Morrell? Is she evil?
-Why will Ethan be going after Danny? Is there something we don’t know about him that's (going to be) important?
-Do we think the sheriff is going to allow Stiles to keep poking around if he starts coming up with answers?
-Did Scott get a little Alpha-y on Isaac?
-Scott trusts Isaac a lot, but will that make Allison and Isaac getting together harder or easier?
-Is riding a motorcycle in school really worse than beating someone up until they’re bloody?
-Why are Ethan, Aiden, Scott, and Isaac not fighting but playing pranks on each other instead?
-Do the twins actually care about getting suspended?
-Is it bad we enjoyed the “dead baby day, yay!” speech so much?
-Was anyone else surprised Lydia found out the twins were Alphas so quickly?
-Then there was that whole thing about "wither."
-Did we get a little more canon about werewolf healing?
-Could one of the more popular fandom theories be dead and gone now?
-Is the Alpha Pack an actual pack? This could have important implications.
-Why did Deucalion choose to injure the twins with a weapon as opposed to his claws?
-Nat’s roommate gets a gold star for her theory about Deucalion.
-Natalie makes a Heroes reference. Once again, Karen does not understand it. (She seriously needs to watch more TV shows.)
-If Derek were to kill his own pack, would he develop a special talent?
-Sorry guys. We make another Twilight reference.
-Derek is so easy to pick on.
-Was anyone else confused when Deucalion said Derek looked like his mother?
-Yeah, then we talk about the Demon Wolf thing.
-Could there be some importance to Hindu mythology in this show?
-How much does Deaton have to do with the Celtic mythology in the show?
-What does Deaton mean when he said he’s been lying and hiding things for the last 10 years?
-The 15 minute rule so does not work in high school. Karen says this from experience.
-Lydia is learning and calls Stiles first.
-Even in death, we are angry at Harris.
-Harris is so shady. But he sure knows (knew) a lot.
-Seriously though, is it weird we’re kind of upset Harris is dead?
-We love that Teen Wolf bases its information on real events and mythology
-Why didn’t Derek just tell Isaac the truth?
-Do they have ceremonies when a werewolf becomes someone’s beta? Like with robes and candles and stuff?
-Do you think Anonymous watches Teen Wolf?
-We kinda don’t want Deucalion to kill Kali or the twins. (Sorry, Ennis.)
-Will Derek feel threatened by Scott if Scott becomes an Alpha?
-What did we think about this episode overall?

Hit the comments to give us feedback and suggestions for the show! And as always, please follow us or hit us up on:

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Email: natwpodcast@gmail.com

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