Episode #23 - Bromantical

Jun 14, 2013, 06:00 AM

Natalie and Karen discuss season 3, episode 2 of Teen Wolf, "Chaos Rising."

Featured Song: "High on a Wire" by Black Box Revelation


-Favorite quotes
-Is it weird for students to go to a party for another high school?
-We loved the secret handshake.
-The show has the ability to introduce new things and not make a big deal out of it.
-We’re surprised Isaac and Scott aren’t BFFs yet.
-Karen wanted a throwback to the movie during the party scene.
-What did we think of Heather’s reasoning to have sex with Stiles?
-A wild Shantal appears!
-One of the three rules about Stiles is broken – are more to follow?
-Which movie does the condom scene remind Natalie of?
-Now the drama begins. What happened to Heather?
-Why weren’t there any wine bottles on the floor once Stiles got back downstairs?
-Who took Heather?
-Natalie weirdly started shipping Isaac and Derek.
-How much does Isaac trust Derek?
-We still really, really love Peter.
-We make yet another Buffy reference. Who does Peter remind us of?
-Where did Peter get his experience taking memories?
-We talk about a popular theory concerning the blue eyes.
-Was Derek in the Hale house fire?
-The Allison and Derek tension is heavy
-Why do we think Scott hasn’t told Allison the reason why Derek attacked her mom?
-Natalie has a qualm about what Allison typed into the search engine.
-In Karen’s defense, she was thinking about something else.
-Are we surprised Coach is actually a good teacher?
-What were our interpretations for Scott choosing not to play the coin game?
-Will Stiles eventually be taken in as a suspect?
-How in the world was The Girl able to bruise Allison and Lydia with the exact shape of the bank logo?
-We really need to know how Deaton knows what he does.
-Finally, these boys are working together like a functioning unit.
-We’re really enjoying Derek and Stiles’ relationship, Sterek aside.
-We also love how the show gives fans what they want without compromising the story.
-Jeff is a troll, you guys. And it’s a problem.
-Why is Allison so adamant about going to the bank, especially by herself?
-Did we already mention how much we love Derek?
-What was Morrell’s true intentions with Allison?
-Is Jeff a lying liar?
-Oh, Derek. You’re so noble.
-Why in the world would you leave Peter and Stiles behind together?
-How exactly does hecatolite work?
-Is Cora a double agent?
-Should Allison have broken the line of mountain ash?
-Natalie makes a Game of Thrones reference, and Karen is confused.
-Our last scene is of Lydia screaming. BUT WHY?
-Listener feedback: Is Deaton a good guy? What do we think about Allison so far this season?
-Karen has a request from the listeners.

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