Episode #17 - The Kanima Butterfly

Apr 29, 2013, 06:00 AM

Natalie, Karen, and special guest Jen discuss episode 2x12 of Teen Wolf, "Master Plan," along with current news and season 3 spoilers.

Featured Song: "At Home" by Crystal Fighters

We're trying out a new format for the show since we're only covering a single episode here. This time, we're following the story chronologically. Let us know if you like this structure or the structure of last week's better!

Episode 2x12 "Master Plan"
-Jen is joining us today as our special guest!
-Natalie wants to watch a buddy comedy about Derek and Peter
-We sometimes forget Scott is a werewolf. No, really. We have reasons. Good ones, even.
-We’re impressed that Melissa was so willing to accept the situation and wanted to help.
-We like seeing Coach caring about his players in a serious manner.
-We’re really excited to see Isaac in season 3.
-We’re still confused about Jackson’s "death" and what it all means.
-Chris has a crushed puppy look on his face this whole episode, and it made us sad.
-Even when Stiles is at his most vulnerable, he’s still protecting his dad.
-Natalie and Karen were weepy during Stiles’ scenes, and Karen was feeling nostalgic.
-We decide the gel around Jackson is baking him and turning him into a Kanima butterfly.
-Will we ever get to see the Alpha form of the Kanima?
-We all think Lydia is incredibly important.
-What was the point of kidnapping Stiles?
-What the heck was the present Stiles ended up giving to Lydia?
-Where did Chris get his ethics from?
-When exactly did Gerard go off the deep end?
-When all else is lost, will Stiles always be the one to save the day?
-Natalie relates to Peter so much.
-We’re still surprised by how psycho Allison is.
-We can’t even begin to explain how much hate we have for Gerard at this point.
-What kind of life would Gerard have had if he’d turned into a werewolf?
-Natalie thinks Gerard’s a robot.
-Was Scott’s master plan his own, or was it all Deaton’s idea?
-If Scott didn’t have this master plan, what would’ve happened?
-What could Gerard possibly be turning into?
-Natalie has words for Scott.
-Did Jackson want to be killed?
-Natalie has major love for Colton and John Barrowman’s relationship now that they’re both on Arrow.
-Jen and Natalie were kind of wondering how Allison and Scott could’ve broken up when they were already sort of apart since, you know, Allison went crazy.
-We seriously need to know who Deaton and Morell are (ie. The Black Leather Brigade). Natalie has some crack theories.
-Is the Alpha Pack just a single group, or is this something that can happen among any Alphas?

-We’re really excited to see Laura in season 3.
-Natalie wants the twins to be good boys.
-We’re surprised that Scott’s father is going to be so important.
-We wonder how all of season 3 will pan out.
-We check out the portraits and comment on them.
-We theorize about how Scott wouldn’t know anything about his tattoo.

Listener Feedback:
-One listener sends in a reason for why Derek could’ve been on the swim team but not necessarily in the photo or on Matt’s hit list.

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