Episode #9 - Bite Sized: Webisodalicious

Jan 16, 2013, 06:00 AM

Welcome to the second Bite Sized episode of Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast, where we take one aspect of the fandom and discuss it in a mini-episode! This time around, Natalie and Karen talk about the Teen Wolf webisode series Search for a Cure.

Did we like or dislike the webisodes, and why?

Discussion Points:

- How do the webisodes measure up as Teen Wolf content, given that they are basically advertisements?
-The doctor mentions the Greek origins of werewolves - could this leave the door open for more creatures based on Greek myths?
-We noticed the tension between Scott and Stiles. Where is it coming from?
-Who is the woman in the picture? Did she die in the fire or could she still be alive somewhere?
-What was Derek and his family doing in Wisconsin (where the doctor was practicing and where the woman was injured)? Why did they move to Beacon Hills?
-Where is the doctor in season 2, and will he be an important part of later seasons? We really want him to come back!
-Could the Wolf Moon ceremony be important in season 3? Could we see some sort of relative coming back to Beacon Hills to meet up with Derek?
-The ending scene of the webisodes shows how much Scott cares about people. (It made Natalie emotional!)

-We discuss just how strong Scott's wolf senses are (and how it must be annoying to have a super sniffer all the time).

-Gage Golightly will not be in season 3. Will we miss Erica, or are we glad to see her go?

-We play a fun, non-competitive game of Season One trivia! Did you already know all these random facts about the show?

Make sure you tell us what Bite Sized episode you want to see next, and give us more ideas for future episodes!

Hit the comments to give us feedback and suggestions for the show! And as always, please follow us or hit us up on:

Twitter: @NATWPodcast

Email: natwpodcast@gmail.com